Traps for the Young Series

Traps for the Young Series

Anthony Comstock was a man hated by many in his day. One of his greatest opponents was Margaret Sanger, the infamous founder of Planned Parenthood. Even now over a hundred years after his death, Comstock's name is still being slandered.

What was it about this man that caused the reproach of the world to fall upon him?

Simple, he feared God, loved children and gave his all to defend their innocence from the attacks of the devil. He was the man responsible for what became known as the Comstock Laws, which outlawed obscene material from being sent in the mail.

In this series, Nathaniel Mervar from BOJF breaks down Comstock's signature work, "Traps for the Young." For this man was a hero every Christian should know!

In our current age, when our children are being inundated & assaulted with the most vile of evils, we would do well to heed the advice of a man who spent his entire life fighting against the obscenity dealers of his day...and largely won.

Traps for the Young Series