Counting the Cost

Counting the Cost

There's a cost for following Christ, always has been, always will be. The question we all have to ask ourselves is this, will we pay it?

Faced with this very question, the Higlts family must make a decision. 

BOJF Rating - PR - Parental Review recommended

Due to the nature of the topic of persecution, younger children may find this film slightly frightening.
Therefore, parental review is encouraged by BOJF.

Counting the Cost
  • Counting the Cost (Agent 316 Prequel)

    There's a cost for following Christ, always has been, always will be.
    The question we all have to ask ourselves is this, will we pay it?

    Faced with this very question, the Higlts family must make a decision.

    BOJF Rating - PR - Parental Review recommended

    Due to the nature of the topic of pers...