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Firewall Your State

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Good Report News • 14m

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  • Firewall Your State

    The federal government in America is out of control.
    Our inalienable rights are being threatened and restoring them appears to be an impossible task.

    Yet, in looking to Washington D.C. as the answer to our problems, we have forgotten about another seat of government.
    This is where we can affec...

  • Nice Needs To Go

    Evil is rearing its head in America as complete depravity is running rampart in our streets.

    Yet, conservatives & Christians continue to be known as nice people in the face of this deluge of danger.

    Why? Have we lost our warrior spirit?
    Are we really called to be nice as believers and patr...

  • Immigration is Not a Right

    Kids in cages! Defund ICE! No human is illegal!

    No doubt you have heard these talking points fromĀ those who advocate for open borders.

    Yet, how many know the biblical, moral and common sense perspective, that exposes the dangerous ideologiesĀ and the harm that comes to innocent life when open bo...